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That others knew
I have to wonder did you try to use me?
Was I just a pawn to you?
A tool you could manipulate
For you own benefit?
And the lies I saw you spin
So natural to you
Was anything you told me true?
Or was it all concocted too?
There’s no way for me to trust you
That bridge can never be rebuilt
If we speak again I shan’t be rude
But understand my lack of gratitude –
For the time and the talks –
Is entirely of your own making
So for once, accept you were at fault
But at least I can say
Cheers for the beers
It was nice not having to pay
Make the Best of It
The best things in life
Often happen by chance
Whether by accident
Or contrary to best laid plans
Penicillin, the microwave
Play-Doh, superglue and LSD
Pacemakers, post-it notes
And, according to my parents, even me
So make plans if you need
For holidays or wedding speeches
But don’t miss the lesson
That these chance events can teach us
Mistakes aren’t always bad
Mishaps, at times, are good
They may help us unlock doors
We otherwise never would
So remember the next time
That things don’t go to plan
Don’t just sit and sulk
Make the best of it you can
Children of Our Hearts
Our dreams
Are the children
Of our hearts
And our minds
So let them run wild
And play
Allow them
To experience
What the world has to offer
Let them fall
And fail
And feel pain
For they will learn
And they will grow
Nourished by experience
And one day
They will succeed
They will repay you
It's hard to show humility
When you know that you're the best
It's such a fight to keep the vanity
And arrogance repressed
Faking all this modesty
Is by far my biggest test
When I know quite honestly
I'm so far beyond the rest
I'm not arrogant, I promise thee
Nor am I self-obsessed
I just have the audacity
To openly express
With unwavering sincerity
That if there were a contest
Only one outcome's a possibility
Which I'm sure you already guessed
For I am, undoubtedly,
The best
I Will Not Become You
Torn from my chest
My heart beats in your hand
Tightening your grip
You choke the life from it
Blood spills over your fingers
And my love for you drains away
I hear the silence
Of the void you left in me
I feel the violence
Of the hate you woke in me
I taste the vengeance
That I want to wreak
But I hold back the words
That I long to speak
I will not become you
I am better than that
Eternal Dichotomy
I love and hate
In equal measure
I relish a challenge
But I can't stand the pressure
I've come to despise
The very nature of society
But I'd sacrifice myself
In a heartbeat for humanity
I second guess my every action
But never think before I start speaking
I never try to swim
Until I've already started sinking
I long for adventure with
Its freedom and uncertainty
But can't bring myself to leave the safety
Of the walls I built around me
Nothing scares me more
Than the thought of being alone
But I've always pushed away
Every friend I've ever known
There's an emptiness inside me
Made from everything I hate
I need a place to put it
But I just can't find the space
I don't know exactly
What the question is I'm asking
But if you know the answer
Will you tell me
I try to do the best I can
But nothing goes the way I plan
I toil away – but it’s in vain
Time and time and time again
At first I thought it just bad luck
When my dreams became unstuck
But now it happens far too much
That I ruin everything I touch
Maybe it’s gremlins
Demons or goblins
Or maybe I’ll just never be
Allowed to win
I hope for the best
But expect the worst
I wish I were blessed
But I know I am cursed
Prove Them Wrong
When people tell us
That we are weak
We must not give them
What they seek
We will stay strong
Prove them wrong
For they know not
What they speak
When people tell us
That we are useless
It’s up to us to let their words
Give us purpose
Show we are strong
And prove them wrong
We must not let our bullies
Hurt us
When people try to push us
And beat us down
We must never cower
And stand our ground
Tall and strong
We will prove them wrong
We will not surrender
Or be downed
On the Right Track
I'm on my way
I'm coming back
I can finally say
I'm on the right track
It won't be long
Until I'm back
Where I belong
‘Cus I am on the right damn track
I've been away
For far too long
But I'm on my way
Back to where I belong
No more I roam
Without a clue
I'm coming home
Yes, I'm coming home to you
To your arms
To your smile
To the warmth
Of your love
I'm coming back
I'm coming home
I'm on the right track
And you're my destination
End of the Road
Don’t believe
That because the road
Has ended
The journey is over
It simply means
You must find another way
To advance
Keep moving
Keep progressing
Keep going
Never stop
Where the road ends
The real journey
A very short story (vss)
Bastard got me on my blind side, landing a hefty blow to the side of my head. Momentarily dazed, I could do nothing about the follow-up. The third, however, I was ready for. Bracing, I took the hit, countering with a crippling kick to the groin.
"Not today, Depression!"
These Will Be Our Days
When a warm sun always rises
And sets in vibrant skies
And shines joy into our eyes
These will be our days
When we can worry no more
Every place bears an open door
And no task feels a chore
These will be our days
When all our enemies are gone
And there are no fights to be done
And every battle is won
These will be our days
When all that is said is true
There are no words we wish to undo
And no need to start all anew
These will be our days
When we no longer live in dreams
And everything is as it seems
And we know what everyone means
These will be our days
So it becomes apparent to me
So clearly I can see
Life is not so easy
Our days will never be
In cold lands without any lights
Of dark and unwanted sights
We struggle through endless fights
Our days will never come
We live in times of uncertainty
When nothing is as we want it to be
The paths at our feet, we fail to see
So let us take control
And make these days our own
Beneath the Dule Trees
I close my eyes
Drift off to sleep
Float away
To a faraway place
Where the night never ends
Yet the stars never shine
Walking a path
Lined with dule trees
Ropes hanging from long dead boughs
And each tree named
After a regret
A failure
A trauma from my past
Every demon living inside me
And as I walk this path
Beneath the dule trees
I wonder
Which rope will it be
I finally tie around my neck
Until I come across a different tree
Still bearing leaves
And your name upon it
But instead of a rope
I see you
Reaching down a hand
For me to take
And climb with you
Above the canopy
And into the light
In Britain, dule (or dool) trees were used as gallows. Both the Scottish and Middle English origins of the name mean either 'sorrow,' 'grief' or 'mental distress'
And that is all, folks!
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Also check out:
Day By Day a collection of every poem written by Matt through 2018
SyndromeMatt’s first published poetry collection
Unfinished Businessa few unfinished short stories, plus poems and other nonsense
Matt can be followed via these channels:
In person:@Birmingham, UK
If following in person, try to do it in a non-creepy way.
If following online, feel free to be as creepy as you like.
And if not following at all, that makes him sad